Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Why Kathee Goes Bald

10 Kids
1 Guardian
1 Strong, Bald Kathee

May 31st, 2008:

Milika Fields was shot and killed.

31-year-old Milika is survived by her 6 children and their father whose medical condition has left him in a coma since last year.

Milika was exiting the Duboce Street off-ramp at approximately 7:15pm with her 2-year-old twin sons, and her 18-year-old brother when a passenger of a car that pulled along side her minivan opened fire. One of the twin boys and her brother were both injured and Milika was later pronounced dead at S.F. General Hospital.

Fields also had a 12-year-old son, 6-year-old twin daughters, and a 9-year-old son who, "sits motionless all day and gazes at photographs of his mother," said Field's aunt.

These children, and 4 others, are all in the care of a relative of Milika. The family is doing as well as they can but the guardianship of so many children takes a large emotional and financial toll.

What they truly need is a car.

The children need transportation to all the normal places that children go as well as to the hospital to see their father and to grief counseling.

We are going to do our damnedest to help pay for it. Our current fundraising goal is $5,000. We're going to do everything from take collections at the park, to themed parties, to bar fundraisers, to taking bets on a special softball game, and we're open to suggestions!

On November 1st, 2008, this will all culminate at an enormous Halloween celebration where we will collect last-minute funds in person and the exquisite Kathee Claudio will have her head shaved completely bald.

10 Kids
1 Gaurdian
1 Strong, Bald Kathee

Please donate.

Victim Witnesses do not receive government funds unless the case is Federal. Relocations and identity changes for local cases are paid out of pocket by the victim.

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krankee said...
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